Invest less, grow more, grow with Voice Broadcasting

Do you spend hours wondering how to amplify your business, and while amplifying, how to market or simply advertise it? Have you had those sleepless nights worrying about the fact that your existing marketing strategies have all broken down in giving you the desired benefits and the costs incurred on those have been huge, right? Well, worry no more because it is time that you do just a little and you will be given back a proper response to your marketing techniques, in addition to sound sleep nights. If you are now wondering about this manna which has brought a sudden revolution in telemarketing is, it is the Voice Broadcasting technique.

Voice broadcasting, as the name suggests, will broadcast a pre-recorded message to everyone on your dialing list. It is one of the most preferred and best ways of marketing your business services and giving a boost to your declining business. Just a few benefits and you’ll awe in wonder as to who actually created this technique and more about why had you not been using it till now.

Invest less, reap high:

If you are wondering about the costs you might have to incur to use this technique, you’ll be amazed to know that the cost is extremely low as compared to the benefits. This is a completely automated system run by a software that works with just a click of a key.

Reach out to thousands in just moments:

Now we know that you have already made your name in the market and that clearly increases the number of your existing clients, as well as the customers you will want to reach out to in order to tell them about your services. So with Voice broadcast technique, you can reach out to all those existing and target customers in just awhile. There is no hustle of making manual calls to each and every customer. It is just a click and your pre-recorded message will get delivered to all those you wish to.

Privacy of the customer respected:

With manual phone calls, also comes the baggage of annoyance and disturbance. But not anymore because with voice broadcast, your customers can listen to the message at their ease and without any hesitance of being able to reply and respond at the same time. So you get to meet your customers over the phone but without them getting nettled.

Creating digital connections:

Voice Broadcasting also helps you to give that personal touch to your messages, thereby increasing the familiarity with your customers and not letting them feel that it is just some random robot call. The messages can be personalized according to the customer needs and the services you will be providing them.

Scope for interacting:

Interactive Voice Broadcasting is another step forward in voice broadcasting wherein the customers who receive the message can quickly respond by using the phone number pad and getting to know about other services or options or they can also be connected to the customer service team agent.

So if you want to let your customers know about your services, without investing a lot, your only option and the safest option is Voice Broadcasting. It has been preferred by business organizations for years now and so is well tested and has excelled in the way it works wonders with selling out the services and growing the business.

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Voice broadcast – smart way to reach your target

Voice broadcasting technology has created a wave of success in the marketing field. This technology has proven useful in many businesses to business ventures as well as in boosting promotions of sales, advertising, and political activities. The methodology used in this service is pre-recording of messages and sending them to mobile devices. One can send bulk messages to any device and get themselves promoted within minutes without causing any hindrance for the user through phone calls or disturbing between work.

At home, office or traveling, nothing can stop your message from getting reached.

For every business to get successful, a constant stream of new ideas, prospective customers, and new clients are needed. Voice broadcast is a cheaper and most effective way to attract new potential customers. The customers can be well informed through a single recorded voice message and this is not limited to just a single customer, one can reach thousands of users at the same time. All you need is an updated database of the customers and your message will get broadcasted to them with just a click.

  • New method of mass marketing

Broadcasting a well-developed, well-planned idea or campaign can generate more clients. Voice broadcasting is the new element of mass marketing. For the message to have an impactful receipt on your prospective clients, one needs to concentrate on other elements like sound, voice modulation, the length of the message, etc. which are usually considered to be trivial aspects.

The more well-spoken, informative and impactful the message is, the more effective will be your marketing. The right voice modulation can instill the user to listen to your message and take the right action to proceed with your service. Voice broadcast renders the user to get an overall idea of the service and proceed further in buying the product or service.

  • Promoting the service in an intelligent way

Voice broadcast marketing is more beneficial when the user is provided with means to reach out to the representatives at the time of a call. Either by offering them a promotional service and asking them to “press 1” or “press 2” in order to get in touch with your representatives. This will not only help generate a sense of trust among the users. As a representative, you need not make frequent calls to your users as well promoting your product.

The user, bythemselves, get in touch with you to know about the service and all this in a systematic way. You can further proceed with the sales without wasting any time explaining everything again in detail as the user is already pre-informed about the product. Broadcasting voice messages is an active tool to generate more audience and convert them into your current clients.

  • Simplified process of boosting sales

You need not make any manuals calls and even if done, the users having been pre-exposed to the information about your company will make the process of sale easier. Not having to make frequent cold calls to the clients also saves a lot of time for the employees which will also lead to saving a lot of company economy.

Broadcasting voice messages are the most effective, easy to use, a fast and convenient method of marketing your company to your leads, which when applied to properly set goals and processed with right plan can generate huge profits for the business.

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One Voice, One Message With Millions Reach

While once upon a time, people had to go door to door for selling their products and continuously call each client to inform them about the service, technology has made the task much simple. With technology now it is no more necessary to indulge on frequent voice calls, get the door slammed in your face nor get abruptly disconnected by the caller.

With just a click record your message and spread your message to thousands of people using voice broadcasting service. It is the fastest and effective method of communication opted by many marketers. There are a lot of advantages of broadcasting your message through voicemail services without spending more money on other marketing tools.

  • No need to annoy your caller with frequent calls.

So are you among those many sales person whose calls get disconnected frequently and end upstart into the block list of the user? Are you habituated of being termed annoying by your consumer for marketing your product? Well, if you fall into the above category, it will be a sigh of relief for as you need not stress yourself with this tedious task.

Get your message recorded about your business and voice broadcast to millions of people instantaneously without frequenting them with a phone call. This will not only bail the sales people from trying to convince each and every client but also let them concentrate on other aspects of marketing their service while getting stressed by impending targets.

  • Boost your sales in the smart way

It is hardly observed any voicemail left unheard and being deleted. According to human psychology, no person will delete a voice message without once checking on it. Voice broadcasting renders the company a hope, of their message atleast getting heard. Once the user has listened to it and got a gist idea of the service, they are at leisure to contact the person to enlighten themselves more about the product and have it purchased.

  • Deal with enlightened customers.

Enlightenment here doesn’t mean the user is spiritually enlightened but well-informed about the service or business. Voice broadcast renders the user an overall idea of the business or service that they are offered and this, in turn, takes away the chances of confusion and ignorance about the product in the case of users. In case, one has the make a personal call to the user marketing their service, the user is already pre-informed about the service through voicemail, which leaves hardly any chance of time getting wasted. The sales person can directly proceed with the sales process.

This service can be used on a variety of platform, wherein the main criteria are to spread out your message to more number of people in less time. Broadcasting your business or agenda through voice recording is an ideal way to reach a large crowd in less time as well as not loose on the element of human touch. Listening to a human voice creates a sense of trust in the minds of people. The user will hardly know the message is a pre-recorded one passed on through computerized technology. Now get yourself heard through broadcast services without annoying your user and level up your business.

Hike Your Sales through Using Broadcasting Voice Messages

Are you looking for a relevant way for reaching out to your potential customers and passing on your message without disturbing them? What can be a better solution other than voice broadcast? Broadcast services are the most cost-effective and impactful marketing tool in today’s time. Send out your message by recording your voice. The message can be recorded by anybody either your CEO, Director, or a voice record artist. One can get it recorded even by a celebrity based on their preference, which is later on broadcasted to the phone of prospective clients.

  • Spread your message to multiple users at the same time.

Connecting with many people at the same time through telephonic calls can be an arduous task to complete. It is impossible to call everyone and explain in detail about the service. This can, in turn, become repetitive and exhausting for the staff. So what can be the solution to reach to maximum consumers at a time as well as get yourself advertised at the same time?

If your list of potential customers whom you want to reach is too long and it is geographically not possible to connect to everyone, still you can get your message about your business or product get passed to your prospective customers by voice broadcasting the message through phone instantaneously.

  • Free yourself from making frequent calls.

As voice broadcast messages reach everyone within a short span, it is the fastest tool for marketing your service. These services are sent out mechanically to the clients once the broadcast is generated and sanctioned. One need not indulge in making frequent calls to the clients. There is no more any need to make direct live calls in order to advertise the service. The user can listen to the voice broadcast of your message and can later get back to you to purchase the product or to know more about it.

  • Saves time and money

In case later, one has to make a direct live call to the consumer, chances of repetitions reduce to a great extent as the user is already pre-informed and well versed with the idea of the service or business advertised through voice broadcasting. This not only makes it easier to proceed with sales, also it saves a lot of time from getting wasted and also saves money.

  • An impactful voice message guarantees a long term association.

The sale of the product or service also depends on the information passed out to the user. Other than the quality of voice, an impactful message is also important to leave an imprint in the minds of the customers. Stronger the message, better it will be to connect to the user. The message should contain meaningful data which is advertised with proper clarity and finesse.

There should be no disturbances or confusion in the voice broadcast, as these small nuances will end up leading greater impact in the minds of the consumer. The message has to be well-spoken (voice clarity is an important element), persuasive and inciteful. The message should compel the user to listen to the full message without disconnecting or deleting it in half as well as provoke the consumer the hunger for knowing more about the service. A well-built voice broadcast message which is able to evoke the curiosity about the product in the minds of consumers will help to jump up the sales of the company and transform the potential customers into present clients.

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Help Your Business Grow Quickly With This Useful Trick

If you are a business owner; whether of a fledgling business, or one which has been around for a while, you know that there is no underestimating the importance of advertising. Voicemail broadcasting is a new and revolutionary way to increase marketing and reach a wider target audience with your message and/or advertisement. It is just as simple as it sounds; your message is recorded as a telephone message and then sent as a voicemail to as many people as you want. You can reach as many people as possible. As long as they have a phone, they are within your reach.

Now, this may sound like the annoying cold calling telemarketing phenomenon but it is quite different because voice broadcasting is actually really targeted when it is done right. You create contact groups and then send them messages which pertain to them. For example, you could create a contact group composed only of your employees and ten simply record your phone messages and send whatever information you want to send to them.

Voice blasting makes use of easy to use interactive voicemail broadcasting technology to get your message across and it is also a great way to boost your sales. You could create a very targeted message and send it to your best prospects and if they are interested and want to reach you, they can do so by simply pressing a number on their keypads such as 1.

If you happen to live in one of the few areas of the world without internet access or where the internet services are simply dodgy, voicemail broadcast is a great way to advertise and relate with your customers in lieu of social media. It is also very inexpensive, relative to the other means of advertisement especially considering the fact that it can be outsourced. You can simply go to a site like this one: and before you know it, your versatile marketing tool is up and running and sharing the news about your goods or services via voice broadcast.

Voice broadcasting can be used for a variety of things in addition to marketing and advertising. It can be used to relay alerts in the event of an emergency. It can also be used for billing services; to inform debtors that it is time to pay their bills. Employee and customer surveys can also be carried out via voicemail broadcast. The message is disseminated as previously explained and the recipient simply replies to the survey questions at his or her convenience using telephone keypad response (DMTF)

Simply visit the link above and you will be guided on which voicemail broadcasting method suits your needs best. It could be any of the following:

  • The simple voice blast which simply forwards your recorded message to your chosen contact list.
  • Voice blasting with keypad response in which the recipient can use his phone to select the options which the message offers.
  • Call transfer/smart voice blasting in which case, if the recipient of the message shows interest, he or she can be rerouted to a third party or an active person who will talk him through his needs.

Start taking advantage of the many benefits of voicemail broadcasting today and watch your business grow in leaps and bounds.


Looking For A Cheap, Effective Way To Market Your Business?

Then look no further. Boost your sales with mass communication marketing techniques such as voice broadcasting, voicemail broadcasting, and voice blasting. Get your message across to a large audience and increase your customer base significantly with these super-effective tools.


Basically, voicemail broadcasting works by sending out mass pre-recorded voice telephone messages to thousands of recipients at once with the use of an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) touch tone. It is a simple, inexpensive and effectual way to get your message heard. It can even be outsourced and personalized so that it matches your exact preferences.

Rather than calling every single person to whom you want to send a message, it simply calls every person whom you want to contact at once and relays the message. As with regular phone calls, if the person is not available to take their phone calls, the voice blasting medium can simply leave a message.


The uses of voicemail broadcasting are endless. It can be used for sales; for emergency alert broadcasting; for advertisement of available promotions; for campaign purposes; to notify customers of upcoming billing dates or any form of information they should be apprised of. It can be utilized to contact employees, existing and potential customers and even voters.


Setting up a voice broadcast for your business or personal use is very easy. Simply follow the following steps:

  • Set up a subscription with a voice broadcasting service
  • Upload the phone numbers of the people with whom you want to connect via your voice broadcasting service.
  • Record your message

(Some platforms use a text to speech option to enter the message)

  • Send the message. That’s it, easy-peasy! You can opt to send the message immediately or schedule for it to be sent later.

You can monitor the responses you get online as soon as the message has been sent.

An excellent voice blasting service option is

Simply click on the above link and it will take you through the required motions and soon enough you will be getting across to as many people as you need to.

It is a particularly excellent medium for marketing and advertising.

If you have just started a new business and need to get your name out there and get new customers as well as reach out to your existing customer base, voice broadcast is an excellent marketing solution which helps you save money on agents fees all the while reaching tons more customers because the whole system is automated.


Beyond Marketing and advertisement purposes, voice broadcasting can also have an interactive facet to it. You can engage with both past and future customers via voice broadcast and get opinions and feedback. It is cheap, easy and fast to set up, has an endless array of advantages and can be easily outsourced. Try voice blasting for your marketing needs today.

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Voice-Activated Sales Lead Development-Messagizer


While there are many methods used by small service-related businesses and more established concerns to generate new sales, the method of choice appears to be voice broadcasting. The evolution of voice-activated marketing started in the 1990s and has grown exponentially to include a wide range of information being collected by the business. This article will focus on lead generation for the salesforce of a small but growing broom manufacturing company.


The message recorded for a particular voice broadcast with help of may be the most important part of the generation of quality sales leads for our broom company. Voice broadcasting has to start with the recording of an effective, attention-getting message to call to any number of recipients to improve sales, help the business grow, and take care of more established clients. The owner of the broom manufacturing company just moved to the United States from Pakistan and his English is very poor. He has a clear idea of what he wants to say but is afraid he won’t be able to record a clear message because of his language barrier.


This message will probably be the first a potential customer has heard of this broom company. The message must grab the attention of the recipient quickly in a positive light or risk being erased from the potential client list with the click of the delete button. The owner of our broom business had decided to use a professional voice actor to record his message. He has a clear idea of what he wants to say and this is translated by his English-speaking daughter to be made into the ultimate recorded message. The content of this message is so important that it may require the use of an advertising agent to be certain it is sent to the decision makers at the target companies.


  • Voicemail Broadcasting. This involves the development of sales leads for the broom company by leaving a clear, concise message on a recipient’s voicemail. The recipient has only to call the number the broom business owner leaves on the voicemail. In this example, the owner has decided that all calls received in this manner are given to his daughter. The development of this type of the voicemail broadcast carries the same weight and expectations as the voice broadcast.
  • Larger companies with a well-defined and growing share of the market may generate thousands of leads in any number of markets. This high volume lead generation technique is called voice blasting and may prove to be more effective for a larger more established business.


Whether a small new company like our broom company or a Fortune 500 company needing to introduce a new product line, voice-activated marketing can provide entry into a particular niche in which new and established customers can be generated. The huge multinational companies probably started and developed sophisticated and effective sales leads using voice broadcasting, voice blasting, voicemail broadcasting, or any effective combination of the three.

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A New Restaurant And Voice-Activated Marketing-Messagizer

Let’s explore a few of the many issues of a small burger-and-fries restaurant opening downtown. The owner is a college graduate in business and this is his first venture in his efforts to become a successful self-owned and profitable restaurant. He is quickly aware that some money and effort will need to be spent as people weren’t exactly lining up at the door for a table.


The restaurant owner talked to some friends who are also restaurant owners with busy and established clientele. They all recommended the use of voice broadcasting from as a means of promoting his restaurant. He quickly discovered that the recording of his first voice broadcast message is not as easy as it appeared. He got little help from his friends on this and sought suggestions from his wife, who also worked in the restaurant as the cook. They worked together and developed what they thought would be an effective message. They decided that the owner would record the message. Acquiring the contact list was the next step. He and his wife met with a few advertising firms who each had the idea of reaching a target audience in the downtown business district. This initially involved at least 3,000 businesses in the downtown area. That was a lot more than they expected. They went ahead with one of the advertising companies they met with and began generating demand by a number of potential patrons. Their restaurant only seated fifty people and he didn’t want to overwhelm them with business they couldn’t serve, so decided against voice blasting, a technique used mostly be larger businesses with greater lead generation needs. Since all their potential customers were businesses looking for a new place to go for lunch, they decided not to offer a dinner menu and close at 5:00 pm. They would offer affordable breakfasts starting at 6:00 am with lunch served starting at 11:00 am. Since their new customers would be under time and budget constraints and needed to get in and out quickly, our restaurant owner used voicemail broadcasting as another marketing resource. This allowed him to leave their fax number and offer the customer a quick and efficient takeout service.


This proved to be a successful voice-activated marketing plan. Within weeks after the voicemail broadcast, he was filling almost as many faxed orders as were served in the restaurant. Following a suggestion by the advertising firm, he instructed them to keep track of the fax numbers of those ordering that way to send them discount coupons and inform them of other specials. All they had to do was develop a voicemail broadcast the same way they recorded the initial broadcast message. This worked almost too well. The owner and his wife were kept busy steadily all day and had to hire more people to keep up with the demand. Established customers from the restaurant’s inception took full advantage of the changing menus and the tried and true burgers and fries.

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Voice Activated Marketing: Case Study of a Chinese Restaurant

Let’s take a moment to assume you are opening a Chinese restaurant. You’re fulfilling a life-long dream of being your own boss and cooking Chinese food. You find a location for your business in a local strip mall in a suburb of a large city. The strip mall itself has more space than businesses, so the location isn’t the best. However, it’s all you could afford. So what do you do now? How do you let potential customers know you’re there and ready to serve them? You have a sign and all the trappings of a sit-down restaurant while offering takeout and delivery. All you need are customers. The use of voice broadcasting may be just the thing to begin cooking meals in the restaurant for money…that’s right, actual income.

  • The development of a clientele is the most urgent need as you went out on a limb to open this restaurant and don’t think you have enough cash on hand to launch a brand new advertising campaign unless you can get customers to come through the door. The development of a voice activated broadcast plan may be just what the doctor ordered. The recording of a voice broadcast is crucial to the success of voice activated marketing. Since you just arrived in the United States a couple of years ago, your accent and lack of felicity in American expression make recording the most effective broadcast message troublesome. It may be prudent to investigate companies that provide fee-based voice activated marketing with tested leads and proven success. Also, it would probably be a good idea for a professional announcer to record your message.
  • The use of voicemail broadcasting service from is another option one step more effective than simple voice broadcasting. This allows marketing directly to people in the community who enjoy Chinese food, don’t want to drive far to eat, and don’t want to go out and but rather have their food delivered. The recording would be automatically transferred to the recipient’s voicemail system if no one answers. Again, the development of a catchy but not pushy voicemail broadcast is crucial to the success of any voice activated marketing strategy.
  • You may also use the method of voice blasting to market your restaurant. This allows creation of surveys and advanced payment options for takeout orders prior to serving or delivering the food. This voice activated marketing tool may be most effective with the use of an independent marketing firm specializing in restaurant advertising due to the complexity of the options.


The use of voice activated marketing could be of significant value to a Chinese restaurant startup. Targeting potential customers in close proximity to the restaurant is crucial to the initial success of a specialty based Chinese restaurant. The use of a voice activated marketing service may be useful in overcoming the language issue and deliver a clear concise message about your restaurant. While there are substantial risks associated with the use of voice activated marketing companies, many of the simpler plans may work effectively to grow your business. About Me


Voice Activated Marketing and Its Effect on the Food Service Industry

Many companies are now using voice activated marketing to start, grow, and establish their niche in the food service industry. There appear to be more pros than cons in the use of voice activated marketing for small restaurants wanting to expand to other locations and provide an inexpensive marketing tool to promote their menu and invite new patrons to dine at their restaurants.

Voice Broadcasting

This method of food service marketing involves the development of prerecorded messages to supply new and established customers with exciting information regarding the restaurant. Some voice marketing tools allow a restaurant to record a message to promote specials of the day or week and avoid the pitfalls of other methods of marketing, including email and direct mail. The voice broadcast is very important. While the personal touch of the restaurant manager’s voice may be useful in some cases, the use of a professional announcer from may be better received.

  • Another realm of voice activated marketing is voicemail broadcasting. This involves the simple message delivery system mentioned above combined with the limited use of voicemail messaging to invite potential customer to the restaurant. This form of marketing may either be played directly to the new or established customer or left in the form of a voicemail message with the same information.
  • The voicemail broadcast appears to be a very effective tool for voice activated marketing. It allows a restaurant to simplify its marketing strategy to potential and established patrons with a voicemail message without being tied to a “phone tree” often leading to early hang-ups.
  • Yet another voice activated marketing tool is voice blasting. This involves the development or purchase of a contact list used to market such things as new daily specials, menu changes, and other restaurant news. This voice marketing tool can be combined with such services as a prepaid reservation system for restaurants serving a particular clienteleto motivate patrons to visit the restaurant during hours when the restaurant is slow. Depending on the size of the restaurant, new changes in staffing or scheduling can be received by all employees who are not on shift yet. This is an extremely valuable tool allowing the restaurant owner to avoid dealing with phone trees with a targeted carefully chosen contact list using touchtone technology.


These voice activated marketing methods may be a useful tool for the gradual and sustainable growth of a small or new restaurant. The restauranteur needs to be cautious about selecting an outside voice activated marketing company to take some responsibility for future growth and development. While these private services may provide effective and useful tools for growth, the restaurant owner should exercise caution and not be talked into a myriad of services exponentially raising the costs of voice activated marketing beyond the restaurant’s financial ability to support them. All in all, this may be an effective marketing tool to supplement print or video marketing with a less expensive growth based marketing option.

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